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Riding The Wave

As I talked with my own life coach a day or so ago, I realised we were talking about my confidence as a wave like motion. I have reflected on that notion and recognise that like the ocean rollers, so confidence and self esteem seem to travel. At times on top of the wave – the entire horizon stretches before us – vast and wide, with endless possibilities but glorious in the sunshine and oh what beauty and majesty it holds. We are on top of the world, and everything is an opportunity and waiting for us.

Then we slide down into a trough. The sea seems to have us in its grip – the water is deep and unfathomable as we wallow unsure and doubtful. No longer can we see the opportunities or glimpse the future. Walls of water either side and seemingly no way out. Our daemons and goblins lurk on our shoulders and cackle in the ear. They feed the insecurity and nag at our worries.

But what is this? I talk with my life coach. She asks what fulfils me and brings me joy? She asks me what it is I want and what I am willing to do. I start to explain, and the wave of my confidence starts to ascend. I see sparkles of sunlight on the top, I see glimpses of thoughts and feel for what is purposeful. My mind opens, it shuts the goblins of doubt down and starts the upward journey again. I’m nearly there, cresting a new wave – I can see a new horizon.


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